Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner? I still have quite a bit of shopping to do unfortunately. I LOVE this time of the year but for some reason this year it hasn't felt like the Christmas season...maybe it's because it hasn't snowed that much. Well here are my two favorite people and some Christmas fun I put together. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
On this blog you'll see a bunch of pictures of my little guy. He is so fun to practice on. :) These were taken while looking for a new location and practicing some sun flare shots.
We went to Texas for Thanksgiving and had a great time! Here are some shots we took at a mall in Houston and a beach. I finally found out how to make my pictures bigger, thanks Shannon!!
I've been trying to master textures cause I think they look so good in some pictures. This is the only one that I could get to turn out right. :)
We took Beckem out for a second run, he wasn't loving me the first time. :) Kilee threatened to kill me if I posted some with her in it but some were just too cute not too.
Beckem loves to give his mommy kisses. How cute is that. :)
Welcome to the photog blog! My name is Amber DeHaas. I am a wife and mother and a lover of Mexican food. I love photography and capturing memories. Thanks for stopping by!