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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My sister's wedding!

This is going to be a long post. :) My sister's wedding was a few weeks ago and it was amazing! She looked so beautiful. :) I am so happy for her and her new hubby. I love you guys! My good friend Kacy was the main photographer and she let me tag along while she took some bride and groom pics. She is in Cedar City and you can check out some of her other stuff here. She's awesome!

Check out these two handsome devils. Link was quite tired by the end of the night.
I asked my grandparents if I could get a picture and this is the face my grandpa pulls haha! You'll have to click on it to see the whole thing, sorry. :)

My cute grandma and her sister.
My handsom dad. He's single ladies. :)
My Aunt Michelle and cousin Bryce.

Kelly's sister and friends sang for the first dance. They were great!
Cutting the cake

This is Kelly's face when I told him to apply some to Michele's face.

Kelly's good friend Keith.
The first dance.

Daddy daughter dance.

Kelly wrote Michele a song. It was so freaking cute...seriously.

1 comment:

Ashlee Vipperman said...

Oh my gosh! Michele and Kelly are so cute together! You did a great job with there pictures!